The best praise for a traditional company like KPM Berlin? When employees bring their partners, daughters or sons on board. In KPM Magazine 2021, families show us their favorites from the manufactory.

KPM Berlin employees in the workshop

At Sandra's workplace, Josef & Sandra show the centerpiece they agreed on: the KRÖTE, which also stands in their living room and is often admired by visitors. It was one of the first pieces Sandra worked on. In 2006, she began training as a manufactory porcelain painter at KPM Berlin and graduated in 2010 as the best in Germany. Since then, she has been bringing landscapes and other decor to life on cups, vases & co. Josef, whom she met on New Year's Eve in 2010, admires her ability to tell stories with a brush. He decided to join the traditional company in 2018. "When Josef came to the company, many employees:inside already knew him and were very happy that he was now also part of KPM," Sandra recalls. They take their children to school and daycare in the morning and then drive to work together. The warehouse clerk takes care of the logistics surrounding the inventory as well as online trading. In addition to the KRÖTE, he has another centerpiece: a mug that Sandra hand-painted for him with a personal motif.

KPM Employees Kevin & Susanne with Porcelain Vase

Kevin & Susanne sind lange Zeit gemeinsam zur Arbeit gefahren. Weil der 28-Jährige mittlerweile in einem anderen Teil Berlins wohnt, machen Mutter und Sohn unter der Woche hin und wieder gemeinsam Mittagspause. Die Keramikmalerin liebt die FRANZÖSISCHE VASE: Sie hat das kostbare Stück von ihren Teamkollegen zum 25-jährigen Firmenjubiläum geschenkt bekommen. Auf die Idee, zur KPM Berlin zu gehen, brachte sie ihre Uroma. Susanne war schon in jungen Jahren eine talentierte Zeichnerin und versuchte 1983 ihr Glück: Drei Tage dauerte damals der Aufnahmetest. Wer hätte gedacht, dass viele Jahre später ihr Sohn in ihre Fußstapfen tritt? Der Industriekeramiker begleitet in der Modellwerkstatt die Entstehung der Porzellanstücke und liebt die Vielseitigkeit seines Jobs.

Cover KPM Magazin WEISS 2021
Read the whole story here WEISS No. 05

In 2017, Storyboard designed its own magazine for the Königliche Porzellan-Manufaktur Berlin: WEISS. The fifth issue of the annual customer magazine appeared in September 2021. The cover is adorned with a colorful production of the best-selling Urbino produced by Storyboard.