Who fancies a dip in a 5°C lake?
Swimming in a lake at freezing temperatures during winter? Most of us already struggle with taking a cold shower. So the thought of bathing in water just a few degrees above zero is almost unimaginable. But this is exactly what Uwe-Carsten Fiebig and his companions regularly do. For a SeeMagazin feature, we asked him why he goes ice swimming in Fünfseenland in all weathers.
An excerpt from SeeMagazin:
"Ice swimming is a valuable physical experience. For me it's particularly challenging, because I'm actually someone who freezes quickly. Ideally, you should extend your summer swimming into autumn - and then keep going continuously. For me, winter swimming means pushing mental boundaries. The best way to get into the water quickly is to take a staircase or a footbridge. You should not fight against the cold, but try to stay relaxed. And stay close to the shore. Before getting into the water, I prepare my clothes so that I can slip into them immediately after drying off and don't need to stand in the cold for too long. After swimming, the skin tingles, and for the rest of the day I feel energised and warm. "
"By swimming in winter, I experience the lakes from an unexpected side. I get to know new moods."
Uwe-Carsten Fiebig
"For example, when a small layer of steam forms on the lake at five degrees. When there is no wind, when the surface is completely smooth. In fine rain, sleet showers or snowfall, It's magical to be there, with your face where raindrops or snowflakes meet the lake. I like being at Starnberger See and its beautiful view of the mountains. Especially in autumn and winter, Possenhofen is very well protected from westerly winds. In general, it is important to find a place sheltered from the wind and a wooden floor when getting out of the water. In case of snow we often use a coated blanket on which we stand to change clothes. The positive effect on my immune system is remarkable: Ever since I started swimming in winter, I'm never cold, don't get a cold or a sore throat anymore. To anyone who feels like it, I recommend taking a cold shower every day and getting the body used to lower temperatures."
The interviews and portrait photos were published in SeeMagazin 2019. Published once a year, SeeMagazin inspires with stories about the Fünfseenland.

We love finding and creating beautiful pictures and stories from the Fünfseenland and presenting them in SeeMagazin. Every year we meet many interesting personalities. In the 2019 issue, with the theme 'Change of Perspective', we explore the lakes from different viewpoints. Whether from the air, the waters or on shore, through our photo galleries, stories, information and tips, we invite readers to discover the region anew.