With the relaunch of M-Puls magazine for Stadtwerke München (SWM) we established new series, 'People for Munich'. In each issue, we profile three Munich residents who have a connection to SWM and help make Munich a unique place with their ideas. Here is a preview of the featured projects in M-Puls issue 3/2019, photographed by Roderick Aichinger.

The students Ludwig Streller and Fabian Menz from TUfast Eco lean against a car they designed

Ludwig Streller and Fabian Menz have a lightness of being. The students in electrical engineering, IT and mechanical engineering are members of TUfast Eco, a student association that generates ideas for future mobility. Their team has designed a car that weighs just 65kg, making it highly energy-efficient to run.

  • Picture of the Oktoberfest poster 2019
  • Mirjam Mössmer wearing a green patterned dress is sitting in the beer garden
  • Mirjam Mößmer drinks from a one Liter beer mug

Mirjam Mößmer designed the 2019 Oktoberfest poster. On muenchen.de, her cheerful and playful hidden-object design won over the jury. Her motif represented the Oktoberfest in 2019, which makes the Munich-born graduate designer happy and proud.

Balthasar Scheder drives past Munich University with an e-scooter of the brand Tier

Balthasar Scheder keeps Munich zipping along. The City Manager of TIER Mobility is collaborating with the MVG to make e-scooters an attractive alternative to the car in the city, alongside public transport.

Read the full interviews and discover SWM's role in the projects in M-Puls Magazine, issue 3/2019.

Cover of the M-Puls magazine 03/2019
Read the whole story here M-Puls 03/2019

How do more than 10,000 employees contribute daily to the well-being of a metropolitan city? M-Puls is a regular look behind the scenes at Munich's municipal corporation, Stadtwerke München. The 24-page magazine is a source of information and a loyalty touchpoint for SWM Group customers.