The art of hosting
A dinner party is best when everyone has a good time. Conversations and drinks flow, people spend time together and maybe even forget about the time passing. The true art of inviting and hosting is in creating an evening where no one is stressed - not even the host. Author Okka Rohd explains how she manages this best, for a feature in KPM's customer magazine WEISS. Along with photographer Claudia Gödke, stylist Maria Struck and food stylist Lukas Grossmann, Rohd created an enchanting table laden with a variety of KPM collections and delicious food.
Maria Struck gives advice for a beautifully laid table:
"Start with a mini-concept, so that table and interior fit together and create the desired atmosphere. Here, I have chosen a cream-coloured linen tablecloth as a bridge to the brick front, and one in mustard yellow, which stands for late summer and matches the gold decorations on the porcelain. The colours complement and reinforce each other."
And what about the secret of a successful invitation? The right balance. For example, beautiful porcelain. Thanks to their gold accents, the KPM collections KURLAND, NEUOSIER, CERES and ROCAILLE fit together wonderfully.
Rohd's seven golden rules for a dinner party cover what you must pay attention to. For instance:
Think of your table decoration as an outfit that your table wears for the occasion. As Coco Chanel once said: "The art of living is the art of leaving things out." So invest in a few special pieces, flowers and a nice tablecloth. Nothing else conveys so simply and clearly that you have made an effort.
Read the rest of Rohd's top tips in KPM WEISS Magazine Issue 3.

For the Königliche Porzellan-Manufaktur (Royal Porcelain Manufacturing) Berlin, Storyboard created an elegant, sophisticated magazine: WEISS. It combines company history and product presentations with personal insights, conveying the values of a traditional company, while portraying KPM's contemporary progress. After the first issue themed entirely in white and the second in black, the third is designed in the Bauhaus look.