As an initiative of Medien.Bayern GmbH, XPLR: MEDIA in Bavaria is present as an online and print industry magazine and on social media. The XPLR: Media Magazine is published annually at the Medientage München and presents innovative cases from the Bavarian media industry. The fourth edition, published in 2023, is dedicated to artificial intelligence, which offers media professionals great opportunities but also presents them with challenges.



  • Content creation Print
  • Art direction (layout & design)
  • Photo production
  • Creation of AI images (midjourney)

Hard facts

  • How often? 1 x a year main issue, 1 x to 2 x a year supplement plus online content for website and social media
  • Distribution: supplement at the kiosk in industry magazines, display at trade fairs


In which areas and in which way will AI influence work in the media industry? Do new AI tools offer an opportunity for greater efficiency and credibility? And how can we avoid being left behind? To answer these questions, we asked Bavarian media companies, experts and, last but not least, AI itself for their assessments.

The result: inspiring use cases and exciting success stories that show in a practical way the opportunities that AI offers for media professionals and how innovative companies in Bavaria are shaping the future.

A look at the XPLR: Media Magazine N° 4

Three highlight stories from the issue:

1. Man, machine, music

Dr Esther Fee Feichtner, head of the digitisation programme ‘Artificial Intelligence in Culture and Arts’, talks about the creative power of AI-generated music. Her vision: AI as a source of inspiration that opens up new possibilities for both musicians and radio stations.

2. Radio Revolution

The radio station Gong 96.3 relies on AI support with the RadioADMaker, thanks to which advertisers can write, produce and book a radio spot in just three minutes. Users enter the core information about their offer, select voices and music, and the tool uses synthetic voices to create the finished spot. CEO Johannes Ott explains how RadioADMaker not only reduces costs but also opens up new target groups.

3. Print on the ear

The Munich-based audio start-up Articly is showing how AI can facilitate access to high-quality journalism. By setting selected newspaper articles to music, complex content can be experienced in a new way – a success story that has been given a boost not least by the appearance of Articly founders Lukas Paetzmann and Wolf Weimer on the TV show ‘Die Höhle der Löwen’ (German version of ‘Dragon's Den’).

The magazine also presents the results of the AI study conducted by XPLR: MEDIA 2023 in collaboration with 1E9. The study surveyed 176 Bavarian media professionals and ten AI experts, including Cécile Schneider (Product Lead AI + Automation Lab at Bayerischer Rundfunk), Alessandro Alviani (at the time of the survey Product Lead NLP at Ippen Digital GmbH & Co. KG) and Vanessa Theel (CRO & Co-Founder of SUMM AI).

Among other things, the study highlights how AI is affecting journalism and how media companies should act now. The experts agree that there will be no single point at which the success of artificial intelligence will manifest itself as a sudden breakthrough. Instead, AI systems will increasingly become curators and assistants – including in the presentation of media content.

Here you can browse through the entire magazine

You can also find selected AI stories from XPLR: Media Magazine N° 4 in the magazine section on xplr-media.com.